No one is born evil!

This is a para from the book



“Sometimes it’s hard to grasp why the answers to the present lie in the past. A simple analogy might be helpful; a leading psychiatrist in the field of sexual abuse once told me she had, in thirty years of extensive work with pedophiles, never met one who hadn’t himself been abused as a child. This doesn’t mean that all abused children go on to become abusers, but it is impossible for someone who was not abused to become an abuser. As Winnicott puts it “A BABY CANNOT HATE THE MOTHER, WITHOUT THE MOTHER FIRST HATING THE BABY”

No one is born evil. As babies, we are innocent, sponges, blank slates, with only the most basic needs present; to eat, shit, love and be loved. But something goes wrong depending on the circumstances into which we are born and the house in which we grow up.”

As said here, not everyone ends up evil even with a not so comforting environment. Make that choice for yourself. You need not hurt others just because you were hurt by other people!

Environment might decide your circumstances but you can definitely control how you choose to consider the experiences! Changing our attitude from feeling victimized to taking control of our life, we shift our focus on the growth rather than the destruction caused!
